Lost & Found

Have you misplaced a personal item?

Think you may have left it on one of FRTA’s buses? Please contact Dispatch:

Hours: 7:00am to 7:00pm, Monday through Friday

If you lost an item, please follow the steps below:

  1. Call Dispatch at 413-773-8090 ext. 3
  2. Describe the item and date of loss
  3. Schedule an appointment to pick up the item
  4. Bring photo ID
Think you may have left it at the JWO Transit Center? Please contact the FRTA Customer Call Center:

Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday

If you lost an item, please follow the steps below:

  1. Call the Customer Call Center at 413-774-2262 ext. 0
  2. Describe the item and date of loss
  3. Schedule an appointment to pick up the item
  4. Bring photo ID

Note: FRTA will hold items for 30 calendar days.

FRTA does its best to retrieve lost items; however we are not responsible for items left on buses, at the transit center or at bus stops.